5/7/2010 0 Comments *Cinco de Mayo celebration at P's school. She's been staying after school twice a week last month practicing for today's show...it was alright...let's just say, Adrian and I were losing patience sitting through all of the performances. I have a feeling there will be more performances in the P's future. the restless crowd: P is in the second row, far right.
5/3/2010 0 Comments Bike & Hike WeekendI know the kid is 6+ and should know how to ride a bike by now...but blame it on her lame parents who JUST bought her a bike and decided to teach her this weekend. I asked Adrian to be especially patient with her...that it would take about 2 weeks for her to get it. Turns out, she learned within the hour! We are so darn proud of her....she is quite proud of herself too! She was really struggling, so we took off Nic's training wheels and let her practice on the little bike. The strategy worked! Once she got the concept of balancing, she jumped back on the big bike....and away she goes!!! Nature Boy...With his big sister focusing on her balancing act, Nic turned to nature. Like typical boys, he is fascinated with bugs. Tears were shed when we told him black bug would be happier in the woods than in his room. Saying 'good-bye' *** more pics on mamarazzi page ***
5/2/2010 0 Comments *New favorite thing to do on Saturday mornings! There are so many in my neighborhood. It is so much fun, but can be really bad cause it's so easy to collect a bunch of random stuff, so I have to ask myself this question, "Does it have that 'Anthropologie' look and feel?" The fun is the search for that really unique item. This weekend's find: an adorable Russian doll..we pretend it's Romanian :) My real-life Romanian doll: OK, I also look for "dress-up" things for P...Adrian kept saying "No, are you nutz?! Don't buy that!" ha-ha-ha-ha Reminds me of Carol Channing! hahahahaha.
Bertisan Family
Frankie (bird heaven)
December 2024