5/20/2012 2 Comments Elia is 5!Is this boy gorgeous or what?!?
For my Vietnamese side of the family...meet my little nephew, Elia. He's Mom is Romanian (Adrian's cousin) and his Dad is Italian. 5/16/2012 0 Comments ItalianoAdrian's cousin, Alex (nickname is Sanda), has started a wonderful website. If you want to learn Italian or just look at picutres of things in and around Verona, go check it out by clicking the button above.
(I also placed it under Family Ties > Connections > Europa) Here's a few pictures to entice you: 5/14/2012 3 Comments 12:34UPDATE (5/25): It's still happening to me. Going to Houston tomorrow for family wedding (!!!) but before vacation starts I have to send out a report so working late...then I happened to glance down at the time...you'd guess it: UPDATE (5/16): check out my work email...you can't do these things on purpose..it just happens. UPDATE (5/15): So it happened again today! When I glanced down after talking to someone, it was 12:34...I freaked out for a moment...at the last minute I decided to take a screen shot to prove it in case you think I'm making this up...by the time I took the screenshot, it changed to 12:35....it keeps happening to me.... (5/15)...now it's really taunting me! WEIRD...RIGHT?!?!? I'm not making this up....I'm documenting this so you can see what's going on with me...I'm in a Twilight Zone episode. I'm not sure how to explain this...every now and then I would look at the clock (in the car or at work) and it would be 12:34 pm. Normally, I wouldn't think much of it, but it started to happen EVERY DAY. The strange thing is that I am not looking at the clock on purpose. I always forget about it...then the next day, when I glance down at the clock, it's 12:34 pm...I freak out ...forget about it...then it happens again the next day. The other night, I woke up and looked at the time, it was 12:34 AM !!! HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS? So check this out...this is what I saw while shopping last week... In the car:
Nic scored 3 goals in last week's game ...and managed to catch someone's attention on the sidelines too. And he's a sweetheart to me too. Here's a drawing he left at work for me:
5/13/2012 0 Comments *Nothing makes me happier than spending some time with Mother Nature. We went camping with some of Nic's friends at Palomar Mountain. 5/6/2012 0 Comments Kentucky Derby CupcakesLast minute cupcakes for a Kentucky Derby party....Ideally I would have a horse as a decor, but where do you find little horses? My printer is out of color ink or else I could print out little horses. At the last minute, I remembered I had some extra papers from one of Paula's school project so I made little flags out of them...kinda cute, right? I'll try to be more creative next year.
Bertisan Family
Frankie (bird heaven)
December 2024