6/20/2015 0 Comments Futsal - Indoor SoccerNic's team "Soccer Disciples" won the CHAMPIONSHIP! This was his first championship in all the years of playing soccer. They earned this trophy! Coach Jesus Flores' Championship Team: (left to right)
Rhythm, Robbie, Chava, Luka, Niculai, Noah, Shepherd, Danny, Noah 6/20/2015 1 Comment Nic - end of 3rd gradeNiculai's first year at new school proved to be a successful one!
He was Class President (elected by his peers :) He lead his team to win the 3rd Grade Soccer Championship in the intermural Soccer tournament. And finally, on Awards Day, the teacher gave out the following awards to the kids that demonstrated these IB school attributes: * Principled * Reflective * Knowledgeable * Inquirer * Communicator * Caring * Risk-Taker * Open-Minded * Thinker * Balanced Then, there was a special award called the ALL STAR award, given to 1 boy and 1 girl who exhibited all of these attributes throughout the year. And wouldn't you know it, our boy Niculai got the ALL STAR award! Adrian and I could not make it to the ceremony so missed Nic's reaction. He said when his name was called, he was so shocked, he pointed at himself and said "me?!?" 6/16/2015 3 Comments Elementary GraduationShe's done with Elementary! As a 5th grader at McKinley, Paula joined the Choir and was part of the Student Council. On graduation day, 20 kids received a Presidential Education Certificate (signed by President Obama)...to our pleasant surprise, Paula was one of the recipients - SO PROUD OF HER. One of the Moms gave us this picture of Paula in 2nd grade: (Maya, Paula, Estrella, Inez) 1st grade 5th grade 6/8/2015 5 Comments Faux HawkIn less than a month, we lost one of the chickens. It has been a draining experience. I feel almost ridiculous posting this because I realize how crazy it sounds to "normal" people....but in just a really short time, we have fallen in love with all of them. I check on them multiple times a day and would sit and just look at them on my free time....and I have very little free time, but that is what I prefer to do these days...just sit and look at my chickens eat and interact with each other....Chickens have personalities! This post is especially for Niculai....so that he never forgets his little feathered buddie. Niculai picked and named Faux Hawk.
Bertisan Family
Frankie (bird heaven)
December 2024